Thank You!

South County Presidents, Directors and Residents:

Below is a link to Wednesday’s Press Journal article on our victory on Tuesday:

Bob Inhoff, Peggy Hoffman, Joe Gadreault and I would like to “thank everyone” for their support, efforts, and time that was put into this campaign to stop the Walee project. It was a total team effort! 

Hundreds of people spoke out by wearing red today, many walked their neighborhoods to get petitions signed and distribute flyers for our cause,and all the financial donations. Countless people sent numerous emails to the commissioners expressing their concerns over the A-1 Walee Project.

Our attorneys, Keith Poliakoff, Marcie Nolan and Michelle Klymko did an outstanding job for our case.

We will be keeping our South County Preservation Society, LLC together in case it is needed in the future.

This entire experience proves that if you work together and are committed, good things can happen!

Thank’s again!!

Nick Liguori
President, Citrus Manor
Peggy Hoffman
President, The Villa’s
Bob Inhoff
Website Adminstrator
South Lakes
Joe Gadreault
Master BOD Citrus Springs

7 Responses to Thank You!

  1. Ellen Deschatres says:

    I just wanted to leave a HUGE thank-you to everyone who helped make this happen! Yesterday was a real “nail-biter”, but thanks to the expert testimony that was given by our witnesses, we prevailed. Many, many thanks to Bob and Nick, Peggy and Joe and everyone who took the time to join the “sea of red”!

    This morning’s newspaper article did mention that the property owner of A-1Walee is still considering his options, so I fear we must be ever-vigilant. Have we vanquished this project once and for all? I hope so, but remain somewhat fearful that this guy will try to claw his way back. Any thoughts on this??

    Ellen Deschatres
    South Lakes resident

  2. Bo Heeka says:

    Well deserved congratulations and a very sincere THANK YOU to the entire SCPS team and our highly compent attorney’s for yesterday’s outstanding educational and highly professional presentation to the BCC … How sad and pathetic it is to read all the venomous comments posted to the TCPalm Website following their coverage of yesterdays semi-judicial hearing .. too bad most of these “sour grapes” didn’t avail themselves of the opportunity to come and listen firsthand to the FACTS and make up their own minds based on intelligent research offered by real experts in their fields, and not cave-in to the same old tired & worn out “blame the newcomers” mentality that seems to attract so many “contributors” to the local newspaper’s website .. it certainly wasn’t we “people from away” who came down here and randomly bought land, destroyed the groves, and built these homes .. it was the “locals” who decided to sell out their lands for massive profits and the same county planners who gave them the green light to do so and developed a land-use plan to separate heavy indistrial from residential areas … I suggest you go “vent” your frustrations at those who look to subvert the system and not kick us to the curb .. we’re paying taxes, supporting the local economy, and yes, we DO VOTE … have a nce day ..

    • HEM says:

      Although this project has been ushered through the halls of the planning and zoning department since last fall, it only came to light less than a month ago. Once the secret was out, it ignited a firestorm. Barry Seagull claimed they didn’t know anything about the project. Maybe it would have been better for him if they really didn’t. The immediate concerns of being noisy and unsightly quickly became secondary to the environmental damage this could have caused. It smacked of political favoritism of the worst kind.

      This is an excellent lesson in civics. A group of 1,200 homes representing nearly 4,000 residents plus a pre-school, and businesses would have been adversely impacted by this operation. In an exercise of the first amendment right to petition the government

      Thankfully the commissioners took the time to listen to the concerns about the project and the laws and regulations governing special exemptions. It is unfortunate that the poor advice of staff put them in the embarrassing position of bringing this issue forward. Whether they should be disciplined or other action taken is a matter for the commission.

      In the end all’s well that ends well and the group that so quickly and properly responded to this threatened infringement on their quality of life without hysteria and with measured anger and the commissioners themselves must be congratulated for doing the right thing.

      Let’s hope that the folks behind this understand that they are no longer in charge and can’t trample over people, and thumb their noses at the law anymore.

  3. Linda & Rob Perry says:

    We would like to give many thanks to all those involved in supporting “Say no to Walee”. Nick Liguori and Bob Inhoff did an outstanding job in keeping our objective moving forward from beginning to victory, keeping us all aware of every development through emails, updating the website and rallying the troops for support and contributions for our cause. Great job!
    Thanks also to the people who went door to door getting signatures for the petitions and to the ones who sent numerous emails to the commissioners. Special thanks to the people who took the stand at the hearing and explained their concerns or expertise.
    Our attorneys were so well prepared and professional with their experts, powerpoint presentations and their questions with a touch of humor. Their guidance to us before and during the hearing was right on target.
    It really showed a united community spirit when there were so many people wearing red that day and that so many people stayed throughout the whole day in support.
    Special thanks also to Veggies of Vero, Magnolia Lakes and Maitland Farms preschool – their closeness to Walee and their willingness to step forward and be heard helped our case.
    This was definitely a community effort where everyone was involved in some way or form so again, many thanks to you all.

  4. Lynn Spoerle says:

    This morning on 1490am the news stated the following. Bob Solari County Commissioner said that the large number of people in red that attended the meeting on 3/22 demonstrated how important the A-1 Walee Project was to them. He also said that our well prepared talented team of lawyers and expert witnesses presented a very good case. Thank you Commissioner Solari!
    A very big thank you to all of our County Commissioners for saving the communities in South County from the proposed A-1Walee Project. And, thank you to all of the residents for their tireless work, effort and persistence, especially Nick and Bob. A HUGE thank you to our team of attorney’s for their exceptional case presentation and well thought out questions and, for the testimony of the expert witnesses. Let us all hope and pray that the Commissioner’s decision, against the approval of A-1 Walee, cannot be appealed.

  5. Kathy , RN says:

    Thank you Nick and all your hard workers and our Tony for getting the word out.
    It is people like you who make our world a better place.

  6. Laurelle says:

    Hello, I live In Legend Lakes, I wore red on Tuesday March 22, 2011
    I am very Thankful To everyone That worked so hard To keep us safe.
    This was a community effort.. Also Thank you Nick and Tony Caruso..

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